I FEEL LIKE DISCO – Saturday Nov 15, 9 PM
The bittersweet story of a family learning to accept each other, Axel Ranish’s gay coming-of-age tale is told with equal parts humor, absurdity, honesty, and pain, with a sensitive touch that never loses sight of the film’s refreshingly awkward sweetness. As a pudgy teen who loves disco and struggles with his sexuality, Florian’s overbearing dad just doesn’t get him at all. Florian’s mother Monika was always there to mind the gulf between them, but when she suffers a stroke and slips into a coma, father and son are forced to deal with each other and cope with this new reality.
Directed by Axel Ranisch, 2013, Germany, 98 min, in German with English subtitles
View the film trailer here (Note: trailer does not contain subtitles).